. Assignment - Application and Implication

Plan and document a final project that integrates the range of units covered...,

1)Integrates and range of units

I have used following units learned in Fab Academy classes

Principal and project management:-
In this assignment I learn about mercurial set up, how to update and push your Web-Page in
archive, while doing this activity I comes to know about limitation and how to trouble shoot problem. Totally it was nice experienced.

computer-aided design:-
While completing this assignment I boost up my knowledge for 2D and 3D design Auto CAD design and I also tried new software like Inscape, Google Sketch Up.
For 3D design I try Autodesk 123D design, Open CAD and Autodesk Tinker CAD. Totally nice experience and love to do design in 2D and 3D

computer-controlled cutting:-
Which parts or design I did in earlier assignments I printed and cut all that in FAB LAB with use of Vinyl cutter
machine and Laser cutter machine. I learn about parameters we have to set before printing, safety precaution and remove part after completing.

Electronics production:-
Electronic production assignment is first step for preparation electronic board printing
on Modela machine. We redraw and print hello board.

3D printing:-
3D printing was totally new for me but Vigyan Ashram FAB LAB gave us new 3D printer with (PLA) material
and I learn while operating printer and print various small and my design jobs on it. I print holder for sensor and one trophy.

Electronics design:-
In this assignment I learn more about Eagle software and schematic design same time now I can do finished SMD components soldering.

Embedded programming:
I learn about microcontroller reading of datasheets. I can read circuit and can do program, code
basically I got clear idea about Avr dude and code burning in IC. This assignment help for my code for lux meter.

Computer-controlled machining:
In this assignment I cut heat retention box Shopbot machine. Actually LUX meter is small lab
device so dont required such big assembly part but I design Heat Retention box and edit in V Curve pro software
then print on shopbot machine, VA FAB LAB do not have Shopbot machine so I used COEP,Pune FAB LAB for this assignment.

Input devices:-
Now with earlier schematic design experience I did input device design with Light sensor in Eagle schematic file
then check circuit diagram save file and make board file for printing, here I enjoy small puzzle game i.e. rip-route before board file making.

Output devices:-
Same as above but here I used LCD screen as output which shows reading of light intensity in digital way.

Networking and communications:-
I thought whatever we network and communicate in LAN i.e enough for this assignment but
here I have been network and communicate two different boards with each other by using wired connection.

Interface and application programming:-
In this assignment I interface my Lux meter with Ardiuno to my laptop and check light intensity reading with serial monitor.

Applications and implications:-
After covering all assignments my LUX meter is ready after calibrations of commercialize meter.
This device can help to students to know about light concept and may impact on solve energy consumption because of different lamps and polyhouse owner.

i) Electronic Design

1) Design Input circuit with Light sensor

2) Output circuit with LCD screen

3) For LUX meter I have designed my board as per the following.,
Resistor, microcontroller (Attiny44-for programming and ADC),photovoltaic sensor
(important because this sense light intensity and convert analog signal to digital)and LCD screen display we will get output in digits(Lumens. Micro-controller implementation of ADC and other calculations and interface with LCD)

Assembly part

1)2D design for laser cutter assembly
Casing of lux meter is designed using laser cutter. Provisions are made in the design for replacing battery etc.

2)3D design for holder assembly.
I have designed an assembly for holding light sensor. It was printed on 3D printer.

2) What will it do?

Device made by me, measures the light intensity. It is mainly useful for measuring light intensity for home lighting, school classroom and polyhouses. The device is called as lux meter.
A lux meter is a device for measuring brightness, specifically, the intensity with which the brightness appears to the human eye.
The device indicates light intensity in unit Lumens Light intensity is measured in Lumens.

More lumens means more brightness and less lumens means less brightness. Lumens is derived from the candela, the standard unit of measurement for the power of light.
A candela is a fixed amount, roughly equivalent to the brightness of one candle.One lumen is equivalent to the light produced in one direction from a light source rated at one candela.
I made this project to measure light intensity in digital format. Main purpose of my Lux meter kit is to teach students about light in experimental way. They will able to make their own lux mete.
It will teach them about light and also to give them various activities. These activities will be connected to their curricular area.
Device made as a project is really easy to understand and helpful for everyone It will also find applications in Poly house and poultry farmers

3) Who's done what beforehand?

Lux meters are available commercially in the market. But there isno open souce , D-I-Y kit for making lux meter on the internet.
I did not see same project like me but this product avilable in market on commercial level its cost started from Rs.1,400/-($30) above.

4) What materials and components will be required?

SMD soldering gun and soldering components.

Components -

10k - 3nos.
330 ohm - 2nos.
470 ohm - 1no.

100nano farady - 2nos.

LED (0.5 watt) - 1no.

Microcontroller Attiny44 - 1no.

Connectors 3pin - 5nos

LCD display(JHD162A) - 1no

Switch - 2nos.

LDR - 1no (Not SMD)

Material for casing: Acrylic

Material for sensor casing:-3D printer + Wax.

5) Where will they come from?

I am very clear about my project so I have decided to make LUX meter Open source device with localy available material

my FABLAB is situated in rural area already I reached upto my goal and used all machine available in Vigyan Ashram except Shopbot

I went in COEP,Pune FABLAB and complete my remaining task there,

On other hand I used electronic componenets from FABLAB and some remaining from market

6) How much will it cost?

Electronic components:-(SMD)

Resistor - 50paise (each)

Capacitors - 25paise (each)

LED(0.5 watt) - 50 paise

LDR (NOT SMD) - Rs.2/-

Attiny 44 - Rs.60/-

switch - Rs.1/-(each)

LCD display (JHD162A)-Rs.300/-

connectors strip - Rs.10

PCB board (size 5"x4")- Rs.60

Soldering metal (50 meter) - Rs.50

Laser cut container (3mm thk) - Rs.400

TOTAL = Rs.886/-($13)

7) What parts and systems will be made?

Electronic Design

1)Design Input circuit with Light sensor

2)Output circuit with LCD screen

For LUX meter I design my board as per following.,

Resistor,microcontroller (Attiny44-for programming and ADC),photovoltaic sensor(important because this sense light intensity and convert analog signal to digital)and LCD screen display
we will get output in digits(Lumens.Micro-controller implementation of ADC and other calculations and interface with LCD).

Assembly part

1)2D design for laser cutter assembly

2)3D design for holder assembly plus I design and print trophy

LUX meter outer body made from acrylic with laser machine

PCB design mill on Modella MDX20 machine

FAB ISP for burning code or if you don't have then you can useSerial or parallel port for burning of code,

LCD screen (Purchase from market)

8) What processes will be used?


2)PCB milling, wax engraving

3)Code writing and program burning

4)3D printing

5)Laser cutting

6)Shop bot for wood cutting part, composite making

9) What tasks need to be completed?


On 27 August 2015 I calibarate my circuit with market lux meter
Which shows difference in reading about 20-50lux maxium and 5-20 lux minimum.
Then I checked sensitivity of LDR and replaced it with High sensitivity and my calibaration reading difference is 5-10maximum and 0-5minimum lux.

Assembly or Outer body

I will make this device with compact in size and easy to carry,so i'll print some part on 3D printer.

10) What questions need to be answered?

I am callibarating this device with market device,So I need to use high sensitive sensor for accurate reading
I'll try to make more handy and easy to carry model

11) What is the schedule?

JAN 29 - FEB 9 - I did mercurial set up and all scartch set up required during course and rough idea making for luxmeter. FEB 9 - FEB 15 - I started design parts required for my project and proto cutting on acrylic. I learn Blender software in this week with amitraj FEB 15-FEB 22 - I made my circuit on through hole PCB and taking trial before design in eagle. MAR12 - MAR 19 - I struggle for shopbot and I design in eagle and various lbr. I used same time I have did Hello board. MAR 26 - APRIL 5- I did molding casting assignments with hydrostone.I am trying to use that material for making body but that was not sucessful APRL 5 - APRIL 23-I did code for my Lux meter which was failed so I tried for new one. APRL 23- APRL 30 - Machine design Annemometer making with suhas and Amitraj. MAY 7 - MAY21 - Final testing and documentation. MAY 21 - MAY 28 - Overcome problem and final luxmeter making. MAY 28 - JUNE 4 - Final documentation,submission of all assignments and preapration for presentation.

My project is complete now in all respect including its calibration. But to take it to schools. I am planning as follows:-

Sept End: To make available 10 D-I-Kits and test it with secondary school children.

Oct End: To publish manual in local language.

12)How will it be evaluated?

There are two levels of evaluation.

Technical and product evaluation: I have calibrated my meter with standard lux meter. I want to standardize the component so that there is no need to carry calibration for each kit.

Evaluation of D-IY kit: I will test my manual and kit with school children. I want to test simplicity of the kit for school students.